Customized and modern solutions for shopfitting made of stainless steel

Mirror-polished stainless steel in shopfitting

High-quality metal elements for your shopfitting

Since Steelworks was founded, we have been developing unique solutions for your shopfitting concepts. We combine this many years of experience with new, innovative ideas.

The result: metal elements that far exceed the usual requirements and more than meet your expectations.

As a creative and strong partner, we are at your side and support you in implementing the concept that you have created or designed. Regardless of whether it is for retail or gastronomy: We will find specific, creative and contemporary solutions for you.

Combine your product range and environment with individual and modern store fittings that are far more than just shelves, counters and tills.

Stainless steel elements for modern commercial architecture
Stainless steel for exclusive store fittings
Stainless steel processing for shopfitting
Handcrafted stainless steel processing for shopfitting
High-gloss stainless steel for luxurious business interiors
Precise processing of mirror-polished stainless steel in shopfitting

The perfect addition to your design: we are here for you

Our dedicated design department will help you to implement special elements such as special counters, display cabinets or other metal elements.

During the planning phase, we supplement your ideas with our experience and innovative ideas to optimize your concept in the best possible way.

Faster and more efficient to your finished shopfitting: Our alternative approach enables us to meet the increasing demands in shopfitting and achieve the best result for you.

Specialists for sharp edges with V-Cut technology

We create "sharp-edged" display cabinets and counters with a minimal edge radius.

Our CNC department uses V-cut technology to mill various V-grooves into the material and then fold it to a sharp edge.

Professional and precise - thanks to our many years of experience, we can integrate your possible cabling completely invisibly.

Perfect surfaces in mirror-polished stainless steel for shopfitting

Modern material combinations for your project

Our goal: to exceed your expectations. To achieve this, we surprise you with an intelligent combination of different materials.

We use not only stainless steel, but also aluminum, glass, LED technology and other materials to make your project unique.

Thanks to these material combinations and the use of our highly polished stainless steel sheets, we can produce your showcases and counters to a high standard and in the best quality.

Our special process enables us to design unique store fittings that meet your individual requirements.

Exclusive stainless steel products for store architecture

Take a look at our past shopfitting projects: