Jeppe Hein: Path of Silence


"Path of Silence" is an art installation by Jeppe Hein, which was opened in 2016 at the Kistefos Museum in Jevnaker, Norway. The labyrinth consists of 460 mirror-polished stainless steel steles that perfectly reflect the surrounding natural landscape.

The sharp-edged steles vary in size, with the largest reaching up to 6 meters in height. We created this art installation from production to assembly on site.

Pictures from the workshop and during assembly

During production, we made sure that the stainless steel produced perfect mirror reflections in order to realize the artist's idea in the best possible way. Our distortion-free, mirror-polished stainless steel blurs the reality within the path with the reflections, creating a special illusion.


MY Home (Heesen Yachts)


MY Lusine (Heesen Yachts)